Executive Property Management Tools Backed by Advanced Technology

Property executives, owners, managers and accountants can all benefit from the safe and secure transactions, streamlined accounting processes and consolidated reporting offered by DOMUS, EFX’s proprietary online rent processing platform. Developed by EFX, DOMUS is a rent processing platform designed to improve the ease and timeliness of rent payments for tenants. The platform offers the added benefit of enabling you to track performance across your entire portfolio of properties.


Benefits of EFX’s Advanced Property Management Tools

  • Residents can make an electronic payment of their choice

  • Real-time access to all transactions, for all residents, for all properties

  • On-site adoption support and accounting support

  • Detailed reports


Utilize EFX’s Property Management Tools to Save Time and Resources


Automating the rent collection process provides valuable insights into the financial status of your properties. By increasing the efficiency of how you receive, process and analyze payments, DOMUS can accelerate your cash flow and save you money.

By providing tenants with multiple options and channels through which to make their payment, DOMUS frees up valuable time that you can spend on other projects at your properties.

For more information on how the range of financial services offered by DOMUS can improve your electronic payment processing, visit