ach processor

Nacha Auditing Compliance: Important Dates to Know

Nacha Auditing Compliance: Important Dates to Know

Did you know that recent changes to Nacha Operating Rules require that all Third-Party service providers and Third-Party Senders must conduct an audit of compliance by December 31, 2020? If you are unsure of the new rules, how to remain in compliance, or need guidance navigating your annual audit, EFX may be able to help by recommending an accredited auditing firm.

Reconsidering Your ACH Processor During COVID-19

Reconsidering Your ACH Processor During COVID-19

In the wake of the novel coronavirus, many things remain uncertain, but there is one concrete fact to face: Our country has experienced a seismic economic shift. While we collectively navigate this new economic landscape, many, if not most, are evaluating spend and looking for ways to save across the board.