Don’t Leave Your ATM Fleet Open to Security Breaches

Don’t Leave Your ATM Fleet Open to Security Breaches

It has never been more important to secure your fleet from both physical and technological break-ins. While EFX has published a multitude of articles and tips for protecting your fleet, here you will find common security gaps and how to address them.

How Safe are Your ATMs During the Pandemic?

How Safe are Your ATMs During the Pandemic?

Criminal activity usually experiences an uptick during times of crisis, and this continues to ring true during the spread of the novel coronavirus. While traffic crime and drug crime substantially dropped as large populations have sheltered in place, not all crime categories have seen a decline.

Reconsidering Your ACH Processor During COVID-19

Reconsidering Your ACH Processor During COVID-19

In the wake of the novel coronavirus, many things remain uncertain, but there is one concrete fact to face: Our country has experienced a seismic economic shift. While we collectively navigate this new economic landscape, many, if not most, are evaluating spend and looking for ways to save across the board.

How Criminals Are Using COVID-19 Outbreak to Gain Access to ATMs

How Criminals Are Using COVID-19 Outbreak to Gain Access to ATMs

With the rise of city-mandated quarantines, curfews and attendance caps on gatherings, criminals have taken aim at Independent ATM Deployers (IADs) in an attempt to capitalize on the pandemic and access money from, or even steal, ATMs.